Valor Cad Challenge
The Valor CAD Challenge (VCC) is a 5-day ENgineering challenge for robotics students interested in elevating their design skills through friendly competition. Participants, competing solo or in teams, are tasked to design a robot in CAD software to compete in a fictional challenge. Alongside the robot, teams will also have to submit a press release. This is a page long document detailing the team's strategy, design process, and robot's mechanisms. These submissions will be analyzed by a set of judges (either industry experts or college students pursuing engineering majors) to determine a winner.
To celebrate the winners, VCC has hosted an awards ceremony, where judges give live feedback to each of the submissions, while celebrating the differing design strategies. It's an incredible experience to see the variance in MECHANICAL design to tackle the same challenge.
VCC has hosted two competitions, in the Summers of 2019 and 2020. Over 100 students have competed from around the world. For both competitions, VCC has partnered with goBILDA, a robotics company, to give away over $4000 in prizes to the top teams, enabling them the opportunity to turn their dreams into a reality.
VCC has been run exclusively by Evan. I have organized both challenges, designed all assets for the competition, coordinated all logistics between judges and participants, hosted the awards ceremony, recruited judges, negotiated business partnerships, and wrote all game manuals.
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